LexCorp Learning InstituteLexCorp Learning InstituteLexCorp Learning Institute



Accounting & Finance

Master the Principles of Financial Management, Budgeting and Accounting practices to drive business success

ACCA Qualification

ACCA qualification offers expertise in accounting, finance, and business management for global career opportunities.

Customer Service Excellence

Elevate customer satisfaction and loyalty through effective communication and problem-solving strategies. 

Fund Accounting & Administration

Gain expertise in managing investment funds and financial portfolios with precision and accuracy.

Governance, Risk & Compliance

Ensure organisational integrity and mitigate risks through sound governance practices and compliance measures. 

Health & Safety

Prioritise the well-being of your workforce by implementing best practices in health and safety management. 

Human Resource Management

Develop leadership skills, foster employee engagement and optimise human capital for organisational growth

IT & Networking

Stay ahead in the digital age with training in IT infrastructure, cybersecurity and network management. 

International Business

Navigate the complexities of global markets and expand your business reach cross-cultural competency and international trade strategies. 


Understand the intricacies of law and legal processes to ensure compliance and mitigate legal risks in your organisation. 

Marketing & Sales

Drive revenue growth and brand success through effective marketing strategies, sales techniques and market analysis. 


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)